26- High degree of abstraction of inference rules.

27- Property abstraction requires two things: 1.

28- Different cooling systems have different consumption vs. abstraction characteristics.

29- Monitoring groundwater levels, abstraction and quality continues.

30- E1" are called " abstractions ".

31- Figurative art and total abstraction are almost mutually exclusive.

32- But explication and abstraction are themselves situated social practices.

33- By definition, white is the colour linked to abstraction .

34- You can do infinitely many things with abstraction .

35- The substance of the playing is an abstraction .

36- No one can live by abstraction alone.

37- It becomes marked by a certain degree of abstraction .

38- It mixes an abstraction with the concrete.

39- In the mountains, humanity becomes an abstraction .

40- This produces structures of different detail at varying levels of abstraction .

41- It is about logic, abstraction and problem solving.

42- We can describe most things in our environment at a variety of levels of abstraction, from very broad and general categories, to very narrow and specific terms.

43- But the workplace is where people actually encounter that big abstraction we call "the economy."

44- The album is an idea, an abstraction, a sublime idealization of Coltrane's religious philosophy.

45- From 1935 to 1943 he produced one of the biggest repertoires of abstraction done in the Americas.

46- Software developers have neutralized the astounding performance of modern computer hardware by adding layer upon layer of overelaborate [] abstractions.

47- The tenth and its relevant regulations of "The Law of Bill" of China should not been considered as negation of the abstraction of bill.

48- Reflective abstraction always involves an abstraction from a lower level to a higher level.

49- Some refuted the differentiation between abstraction and figuration.

50- In economics, its use is a blend of two ideas, abstraction and pure problem-solving.

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