26- But there's some good news: So far, no World War III!

27- European countries have grappled with the crisis, described as the worst refugee crisis since World War II.

28- For years, Nez's family and friends knew only that he fought the Japanese during World War II.

29- If the tree is 70, that means it was planted or sprouted around the time of World War II.

30- In April 1917, Poles finally entered World War I in support of their country through French designation.

31- In fact, we've now seen 57 months of straight job growth - the longest single stretch since World War II.

32- It did so after the Civil War, World War II, Vietnam and the Cold War, she said.

33- It all began shortly after World War II had come to an end, in the provincial central German town of Kassel.

34- I wonder what the perception of World War II would have been like if it was on TV everyday, every night.

35- Recommended: How do the events of World War I still affect us today?

36- Roit says Brown served in World War II as a pilot.

37- Since World War II, the market has climbed 94 percent of the time, for an average gain of 15 percent.

38- Take a look back at this historic invasion that helped turn the tide of World War II.

39- That's what makes The Fallen of World War II,"" a short visualization by filmmaker Neil Halloran, so impactful."

40- History of the Armed Guard Afloat, World War II."""

41- The Manhattan Project is the name for the U.S. effort to build an atomic bomb during World War II.

42- The Royal Navy World War II veteran wore a ceremonial uniform.

43- To go deeper into the vaults of history, the scenes resonate with queuing for rations during World War II.

44- We were in Washington, D.C., for the dedication of the World War II Monument.

45- We want all the Carroll County World War II vets and Korean vets to please try to come,"" she said."

46- When we were 17: Youth at the crossroads A DW special on youth in Germany - from World War I to the present.

47- • "And, for the first time since World War II, widespread starvation had returned," Nevradakis and Palast write.

48- 1941 - During World War II, Germany invades Ukraine.

49- 1943-1945 - During World War II, no tournament is held.

50- 2. Huge production: From World War I to 1968, the United States produced nearly 40,000 tons of chemical weapons.

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