1- In Bolivia, March 19 was seen as the logical choice to hold Father's Day because it is the day honoring Saint-Joseph, the step-father of Jesus.

2- His guru step-father, a self-styled teacher of ageless wisdom"" suggested meditating and fasting."

3- After his mother remarried, his step-father became his hero and provided guidance.

4- If the boy meditated with his step-father several times a day, the man said, he would be cured by his 18th birthday.

5- We are sending you a picture of our step-father, Eugene 'Chuck' Charlton.

6- Darcy's step-father, Henry Lynch(Galway), was Burke's business agent.

7- Then he went back to live with his mom and abusive step-father, Jordan.

8- The bill is addressed to Beck's step-father, Carl Little, who died in a car crash on I-75 just south of the Mackinac Bridge last month.

9- Hi step-father Alan Pratt, who works as an IT consultant, said: 'We have exhausted all the legal routes to getting the decision overturned.

10- Trevor Lansing, Sonny's former step-father, arrives in town with Anthony Zacchara, who causes problems to many of the residence.

11- His mother, Janet Jordon, sister Derrin and step-father Philip Howard were found dead with stab wounds.

12- In Bolivia, March 19 was seen as the logical choice to hold Father's Day because it is the day honoring Saint-Joseph, the step-father of Jesus.

13- ;Gerard Mystery :Gerard Mystery is Martin's father and Diana's step-father.

14- She disliked her step-father Warren and wanted to leave home as soon as she could.

15- 536849 Preil lived with his mother and step-father in the Bronx, NY, until their deaths. 27.9894

16- When Samantha wakes up, the grave is surrounded by police and medical personnel retrieving her step-father's corpse.

17- He is always ill at ease when facing his step-father.

18- He is always ill at ease when facing his step-father.

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