1- There are two types, called background and proliferative .

2- The small bowel mucosa has distinct proliferative and functional epithelial cell subpopulations.

3- It is widely used for early stages of proliferative retinopathy.

4- proliferative differentials might also reflect domains of genetic activity.

5- Clinical implications of vascular growth factors in proliferative retinopathies.

6- Cellular proliferative rate is of considerable significance in this prognostic assessment.

7- Goldberg has defined five stages of proliferative retinopathy (3).

8- There was further evidence of the proliferative effects of the endothelins.

9- Tumors evolve form normal proliferative units and maintain their two compartment structure.

10- Angiogenic factors in human proliferative sickle cell retinopathy.

11- SCC should be considered in any differential diagnosis of corneal proliferative lesions.

12- Chronic proliferative periostitis of the long bones that can cause considerable pain.

13- This overexpression leads to strong and constant proliferative signaling and hence tumor formation.

14- Valsalva maneuver must not be performed in patients with proliferative retinopathy.

15- No other flavonoid compounds examined exhibit higher proliferative activities than the procyanidins.

16- Classification and pathogenesis of proliferative sickle retinopathy.

17- Haemangiomas are proliferative vascular lesions due to an accelerated turnover of endothelial cells.

18- In our hands the Aldefluor assay reads out our most proliferative cells.

19- Gamma irradiation abolishes the proliferative activity of the lymphocytes in the donor blood.

20- Photocoagulation in proliferative sickle retinopathy: results of a 5 year study.

21- Scatter retinal photocoagulation for proliferative sickle cell retinopathy.

22- These changes indicate that the inflammatory phase is ending and the proliferative phase is underway.

23- The vast majority –95 percent–of microglia in the proliferative zone were activated.

24- But the retinopathy that destroys vision, proliferative retinopathy, is far less common.

25- While in proliferative Retinopathy two to three sessions of Laser therapy is required.

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