1- The young mother was overwhelmed with love when she first held her newborn baby.

2- A newborn baby is liable to fall ill.

3- Evidence suggests that newborn babies can hear and remember things which occurred prior to birth.

4- priorityIn Hindu tradition, when a father first sees his newborn baby, he touches it with a piece of gold, which is considered the noblest of metals.

5- The fact that the job allowed him the flexibility to spend time with his newborn baby was the real clincher.

6- Among some American Indian tribes, it was customary to give newborn males temporary names, these names were changed later as the boys developed character, and showed courage in manhood.

7- newborn pandas require constant care until they are nearly a month old.

8- The story was amusingly told from the point of view of a newborn baby.

9- Among some American Indian tribes, it was customary to give newborn males temporary names, these names were changed later as the boys developed character, and showed courage in manhood.

10- You need to be very gentle when you pick up a newborn baby.

11- Mr Tanaka showed us many pictures of his newborn baby.

12- A newborn kangaroo is small enough to fit into a teaspoon.

13- Studies show that newborn babies imitate the facial expressions of their parents.

14- The young girl decided to give her newborn baby up for adoption because she knew she couldn't take care of it herself.

15- It is important for both parents to spend a lot of time with a newborn baby in the first few days in order to bond with the child.

16- On the islands of the Maldives, a newborn child receives its name on the seventh day after its birth.

17- A Russian proverb notes that the newborn baby yells, but we die in silence.

18- yieldChild protection authorities weren't notified about Angelica Richardson McKenney's newborn, Lynndaya.

19- Child protection authorities weren't notified about Angelica Richardson McKenney's newborn, Lynndaya.

20- Even the newborn baby gets its very own gun.

21- Nine cases of illness have occurred in pregnant women or newborn babies.

22- Survivors of the camp told Estela about the birth - and that she had named the newborn Guido, after her father.

23- The hefty newborn is still a bit smaller than the largest baby ever born, according to Guinness World Records.

24- There, about a foot down, was a newborn of three or four days old wrapped in a hospital blanket.

25- This continuity of care allows her to help new moms with the early challenges that having a newborn can bring.

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