1- Reach i occasionally makes drug providing savvy drugs.

2- Our youth theatre troupe members are highly trained and stage savvy .

3- The book selection is smart and savvy .

4- Mona is quite adventurous and culturally savvy .

5- It just makes folks more tech savvy ha .

6- People are becoming more and more savvy .

7- Social commerce networks help fashion shoppers conduct smart and savvy shopping.

8- The savvy art investor does the same.

9- A savvy investor will consistently beat 529 plans returns.

10- Can kids improve their mathematical savvy by playing preschool math games?

11- Consumers have become increasingly savvy about avoiding commercial clutter online.

12- Your influence and business savvy will grow.

13- Knight is an informative and critically savvy academic.

14- The savvy buyer will avoid stock which shows significant ingredient separation.

15- Purchasing a salvage title vehicle requires a savvy buyer.

16- Someone not savvy enough to strip outlet covers.

17- She thought she was a savvy investor.

18- But the savvy consumer must ask the inconvenient questions.

19- The survey cited factors such as price and consumer savvy .

20- Your audience has never before been so prepared and savvy .

21- Art and architecture speak loudly but savvy travelers demand more.

22- No offences were committed thanks to the savvy home owner .

23- There are certain people who are tech savvy .

24- This feature is invaluable if you lack technical savvy .

25- I am only savvy enough to add graphics.

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