1- Most athletes are at their best during their early manhood.

2- Frank Crane once suggested that responsibility is the thing people dread most of all.

3- Yet it is the only thing in the world that develops us, gives our manhood or womanhood fiber.

4- He is approaching manhood.

5- Henry Makow once suggested that the essence of manhood is to lead and support a loving family.

6- Among some American Indian tribes, it was customary to give newborn males temporary names, these names were changed later as the boys developed character, and showed courage in manhood.

7- She is now in the prime of womanhood.

8- Among some American Indian tribes, it was customary to give newborn males temporary names, these names were changed later as the boys developed character, and showed courage in manhood.

9- He is now in the prime of manhood.

10- I didn't fit into this idea of womanhood."""

11- Not only is her womanhood consistently denied, her character is deemed as dominant, aggressive and arrogant.

12- And a beacon of manhood to all us guys.

13- Devi specifically chose the color pink to signify "womanhood and understated strength."

14- He was a brave fellow, and a splendid specimen of manhood.

15- In two weeks, that toddler, long grown to manhood, will assume his father's mantle and become prime minister.

16- Like all hip-hop black feminists, I recognize the racialized patriarchy that pathologizes black womanhood.

17- Love and the strength of womanhood, Cosby said.

18- So it obviously has nothing to do with your manhood, bro.

19- So that makes the ability to inflict violence an integral part of one's manhood."

20- So that was the secret, of me capturing my young black manhood-I was fakin' it, man.'

21- The above was excerpted from his new memoir manhood, available now for Father's Day.

22- The days of my youth and manhood was spent in this trade.

23- This was originally worn as a sign of a man's manhood.

24- Thus, they pass over the divide from being 'little' (almost) women to true womanhood.

25- A lyrical and visionary memoir of depression, Puerto Rican identity, and young womanhood."

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