51- The sun contains more than 99.
52- 8 percent of the total mass in our solar system, Jupiter contains most of the rest, and the fractional percentage that is left consists of our earth and moon, and the remaining planets and asteroids.
53- The total is expressed as a percentage for the purposes of comparison.
54- I think that the percentage of students that have to repeat a level in this program is usually about 25% or less.
55- Studies show that about 25 percent of alcoholics are women.
56- At least percent of students go on to university.
57- A recent survey revealed that criminals who commit violent acts on television dramas go unpunished 73 percent of the time.
58- Studies show that thirty-two percent of computer data loss cases are due to human error.
59- In September of 1967, the people of Gibraltar voted by close to 100 percent to retain British sovereignty, rejecting Spanish rule.
60- The Netherlands are the lowest country in the world, and it is estimated that 40 percent of the land is below sea level.
61- Prior to migration, a goose will consume the equivalent of up to 25 percent of its body weight per day, to build up large amounts of fat.
62- A recent survey of standard English-language dictionary words found that 93 percent of them have been registered as dot-coms.
63- Studies show that there has been a decrease in the world's sea ice of 2.
64- 9 percent every decade.
65- My investments earn about percent a year.
66- Steel is 100 percent recyclable, and can be reprocessed almost indefinitely.
67- Forty percent of all the oil consumed in the United States is used to power passenger vehicles.
68- The university pays a percentage of the tuition fees collected from certain students to overseas agents.
69- Nearly 43 percent of convicted criminals serving prison sentences in the United States are re-arrested within a year of being released from prison.
70- Profit on computers for the previous year was nearly ten percent higher than the current year.
71- Among 1,500 Americans surveyed, the piano is the musical instrument of choice at 34 percent.
72- A human hair is 70 percent easier to cut when soaked in warm water for two minutes.
73- About 14 percent of the world's protein consumption comes from fish.
74- Studies show that 45.
75- 5 percent of all murders occur as the direct result of arguments, usually arguments between family members and friends.
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