26- Although spiral galaxies make up only 15 percent of all galaxies, they are the most striking.
27- On average, a woman's brain makes up 2.
28- 5 percent of her body weight, whereas a man's brain only contributes 2 percent of his body weight.
29- brakeAccording to a poll, only 29 percent of married couples agree on most political issues.
30- In the current slump, economic growth has fallen to zero percent.
31- The highest ratio of obese people in the world is in Russia, at 25.
32- 4 percent, followed by Mexico at 25.
33- 1 percent.
34- I paid fifty percent down for the car.
35- Roughly 40 percent of the population of the under-developed world is under 15 years old.
36- The average brain takes up 2 percent of a person's total body weight, yet it requires 25 percent of all the oxygen used by the body.
37- Studies have shown that only about 15 percent of victims survive after receiving CPR.
38- She took a number of intelligence tests, and the results put her in the highest fifth percentile of the population.
39- According to a poll, only 29 percent of married couples agree on most political issues.
40- The increase in the value of the Canadian dollar, and the subsequent decrease in exports, has forced the central bank to trim its forecast for economic growth to 2.
41- 8 percent this year.
42- triumphUnion members were uniformly opposed to management's offer of a one percent salary increase.
43- According to a study, 68 percent of professional ice hockey players have lost at least one tooth.
44- About 99 percent of pumpkins marketed domestically are used for making jack-o-lanterns at Halloween.
45- Nearly 43 percent of convicted criminals serving prison sentences in the United States are re-arrested within a year of being released.
46- He isn't interested in the taste of the beer, he just wants whatever has the highest percentage of alcohol.
47- McDonald's Corporation eliminated one million pounds of waste per year in the 1980s by making their drinking straws 20 percent lighter.
48- Ninety-nine percent of all forms of life that have existed on earth are now extinct.
49- Forty percent of the workforce are whitecollar workers, most of whom have some of the most tedious and idiotic jobs ever concocted.
50- About 15 percent of all galaxies are irregular and have a chaotic appearance with large clouds of gas and dust mixed with both young and old stars.
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