1- We watched a street performer who was juggling a guitar, a sword, a scarf, a flaming torch, and book, all at the same time.
2- The main source of income for many street performers is tourists.
3- The concert finale featured all the performers on stage together.
4- We applauded the performer.
5- The record company has very slickly promoted her as a sexy, young performer.
6- Singer George Michael was the first white performer to have a top selling album on the black music charts in the U.
7- S.
8- The leading performer had to change her costume no less than 14 times during the play.
9- At the climax of the music festival, all the top performers came out on stage together to play the last number.
10- My father trained me not as a man or a woman, but as a performer.
11- At the fair, they had performers to keep people amused while they waited in line for the rides.
12- He is a very rich and famous performer, but he still personally answers all his correspondence from his fans.
13- The young singer has tried to model herself on the performers of the 1940s.
14- The concert was stopped when one of the performers had a heart attack.
15- Luckily there was a doctor in attendance at the show when one of the performers had a heart attack.
16- Paul is an inconsistent performer, one day he's great, and the next he's terrible.
17- The audience applauded the performer.
18- He has written several short stories about his experiences as a circus performer.
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