1- We would like to report about the latest trends in Japan.
2- The implications of the latest poll are clear for the government, it cannot win the next election unless it chooses a new leader.
3- What do you think are the best sellers of the latest Japanese records?
4- Ashleigh Brilliant once joked that according to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless.
5- Opposition to the government's new policy dissolved when the latest opinion poll showed widespread public support for the initiative.
6- Our language lab includes all the latest computing technology.
7- The government is set to announce the latest unemployment figures showing the success of their job creation programs.
8- He will be back by Monday at the latest.
9- We can not follow the latest topics without reading a newspaper every day.
10- It covers everything from the fundamentals of microbiology to the latest news.
11- See to it that you estimate the losses by Friday at the latest.
12- Have you read the latest issue of Time magazine?She tries to keep abreast of the latest fashions.
13- Fitness freaks are holding a fair in the conference center and the public is invited to come and learn the latest news from the world of healthy living.
14- She was away from work for a year after the birth of her baby, so she often phoned the office to hear the latest gossip about what was happening there.
15- She is singing the latest popular songs.
16- the latest Russian-American space venture has failed due to engineering problems.
17- The newspaper announced its forecast for the election, based on the latest polls.
18- This company utilizes the latest in computer technology to increase efficiency in production.
19- As far as I know, this is the latest edition.
20- Ashleigh Brilliant once joked that according to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless.
21- I have a bicycle of the latest model.
22- I give you my assurance that the report will be completed by 3:00 tomorrow at the latest.
23- Have you heard the latest rumor about the secretary in the complaints department?Can you please ensure that the memo showing the latest profit figures for the month is circulated to all the salesmen?Ashleigh Brilliant once joked that according to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless.
24- the latest attack has resulted in the termination of peace talks for the foreseeable future.
25- the latest safety refinements make this Volvo the best family car available today.
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