1- She paid seven percent interest on the loan.
2- Coral reefs cover just 1 percent of the sea floor, but harbor as much as one-quarter of the world's marine species.
3- Smoking is specifically related to about 87 percent of lung cancer cases in this country.
4- Today only percent is covered.
5- The government has won an impressive mandate with over 63% percent of the vote.
6- About percent of the firms in Japan have acknowledged the necessity of giving their workers longer holidays, and think summer holidays are needed to give their workers both mental and physical refreshment.
7- Fred Allen once suggested that an advertising agency is 85 percent confusion and 15 percent commission.
8- The future looks very bright for our company, with sales up by more than ten percent in the last six months alone.
9- In March of 1936, Nazi propaganda claimed that 99 percent of the German population voted for Nazi candidates in the country's elections.
10- She invests a certain percentage of her earnings in the stock market each month.
11- A large percentage of the population of Paraguay derives their living from agricultural activity.
12- In November of 1995, the people of Ireland voted by a margin of less than one percent to legalize divorce.
13- Edison once said that genius is one percent inspiration, and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
14- Eighty percent of downtown Los Angeles is devoted to cars, including roads, parking areas, and garages.
15- Scientists believe that hydrogen constitutes approximately 90 to 99 percent of all matter in the universe.
16- Fifty percent of the world's population suffer from malnutrition.
17- The hummingbird's tiny brain, 4.
18- 2 percent of its body weight, is proportionately the largest in the bird kingdom.
19- Climbing stairs burns up 250 percent more calories than swimming for the same amount of time.
20- In September of 1967, the people of Gibraltar voted by close to 100 percent to retain British sovereignty, rejecting Spanish rule.
21- What percentage of your salary do you have to pay in income tax?The alcohol content in most beers is about 5 percent.
22- According to a recent poll, 39 percent of the people interviewed admitted that they peek in the medicine cabinets of people they visit.
23- Oman's economy is based on petroleum, which accounts for 99 percent of export revenues.
24- About 24 percent of American adults say they have participated at some time or another in illegal gambling.
25- Fresh apples float because 25 percent of their volume is air.
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