76- Rooms are commodious, comfortaBle and airy, each with a specious roofed Balcony overlooking the sea.
77- Catalans prefer to be known for the airy constructions that are going up for the Olympic Games.
78- The big windows make the room feel wonderfully light and airy.
79- Acclaimed designer Carleton Varney has introduced bright new colors and a sense of airy spaciousness while retaining a healthy respect for tradition.
80- The living room is decorated in pale colours that make it all the more airy.
81- Instead the room was light and airy, lit by fluorescent lights and smelling pleasantly of air freshener.
82- Such bingle, be full of youth to move feeling.65. From the flower because the ejective water in aspersion contains bleb, be decomposed so big and downy, be full of airy water.
83- The kitchen adjoins the sitting room, which is spacious, high and airy.
84- The bathroom has a light and airy feel.
85- The office was light and airy.
86- Dry the seeds in a cool, airy place and remove chaff, dust or dirt.
87- All the windows were open, giving the house an airy feeling.
88- The airy four - seater is quite something.
89- The counter, and other doors are attractively finished in Ash wood which makes for a light and airy ambience.
90- Yet the success of Trajan , however transient, was rapid and specious.30. Rooms are commodious, comfortaBle and airy, each with a specious roofed Balcony overlooking the sea.
91- All the windows were open, giving the house an airy feeling.30. I fake a smile because I don't want you to worry about what I'm feeling.
92- Stepping into one of the airy, wood-paneled massage rooms begins the relaxation process.
93- Pearl was decked out with airy gaiety.
94- George lost his airy office with the view and the original artworks on its opulent walls.
95- People in this beautiful, airy town, almost untouched by the war, feel dishonored by the international scandal.
96- Their briefings were held in the airy first-floor gallery of the university quadrangle.
97- From the flower because the ejective water in aspersion contains bleb, be decomposed so big and downy, be full of airy water.
98- How abominably unjust to persecute a man for such an airy trifle as that!
99- Acclaimed designer Carleton Varney has introduced bright new colors and a sense of airy spaciousness while retaining a healthy respect for tradition.
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