1- 1 It is completely restored and potentially airworthy once again.

2- 2 All three aircraft are kept in fully airworthy condition.

3- 3 The aircraft was airworthy and the crew were qualified.

4- 4 In 2008, 29 P-40s were airworthy .

5- 5 By 21 April 1942 just 27 Spitfires were still airworthy .

6- 6 As of 2001, the aircraft was airworthy .

7- 7 Only a third of the fleet is airworthy .

8- 8 Three airworthy Hurricanes were located and used for the filming.

9- 9 As of October 2013 only one aircraft is still airworthy .

10- 10 Our only airworthy exhibit is airworthy no longer!

11- 11 Our only airworthy exhibit is airworthy no longer!

12- 12 Still no one has worked out why it is n't airworthy .

13- 13 Today, the King Air is "not airworthy ".

14- 14 NASA operated the two last airworthy Blackbirds until 1999.

15- 15 As with aircraft, hot air balloons require regular maintenance to remain airworthy .

16- 16 The Catalina is the UK 's oldest airworthy amphibian plane.

17- 17 The aircraft is not airworthy and was not intended to have flown.

18- 18 By 12 December there were only eight airworthy P-35As remained.

19- 19 There are currently no Blenheim or Bolingbroke aircraft that are airworthy .

20- 20 Today only a handful of Meteors remain in airworthy condition .

21- 21 None of the rest of the UAVs are airworthy .

22- 22 The Museum displays older restored aircraft and memorabilia, and also airworthy aircraft.

23- 23 The aircraft and crew were found to be fit, airworthy and certified.

24- 24 Substantial investment is required in order to maintain aircraft in an airworthy condition.

25- 25 The inquiry concluded that the aircraft was airworthy at the time of departure.

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