26- There is a large Jewish community in Mount airy, and the Germantown Jewish Centre is located in West Mount airy.

27- Using that technique, Day produced a painting that is light and airy with colors that seem objective.

28- 771186 Our loving hearts asunder ;Act II *No. 15 - Chorus - ""Come, lads and lasses, trip your light and airy.."

29- She is also known for a wide range in vocal ability, from haunting and airy tones to gritty and country-like twangs.

30- The original campus consisted of 11 buildings arranged in a semicircle with the large, airy auditorium in the center.

31- The airy disk can be an important parameter in limiting the ability of an imaging system to resolve closely located objects.

32- airy, at length, published an account of the circumstances, and Adams's memoir was printed as an appendix to the Nautical Almanac.

33- Several reviewers had questioned Carey's vocal abilities in Charmbracelet, in which they found her voice to be airy, thin, and damaged.

34- The Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway was created in 1879 with the consolidation of the Western Railroad and the Mount airy Railroad.

35- Flowy short sleeves paired with a tank and skirt make for a comfortable airy outfit, and again, maxi's are the 'it' piece to own.

36- 716148 The foyer, which was once was dark and sultry, is now airy as the wall behind the bar was taken down to expose the windows.

37- Sloppiness level (1 to 5): 3. The croissant doesn't fall apart right away, but the airy texture makes it hard to contain the heavier filling.

38- However the lovely wooden villa, with a Marmara view surrounded by palm trees and flowers, does have a handful of airy rooms available to rent.

39- It is to be made by Mr. Dent, the Clock and Chronometer Maker, under the direction of the Astronomer Royal, Professor airy.

40- The buildings are "open" - corridors are not enclosed and lead to large, airy courtyards around which are several classrooms.

41- The piece de resistance, however, is a ruby-hued berry sauce, adding a tart sophistication to all that airy sugary goodness".

42- Using the ‘St Martins' Lane Hotel' as inspiration, they plan to modernise their home into a light, airy and totally modern space.

43- Louisiana French bread is different from the traditional American baguette, in that it has a flaky crust with a soft, airy center.

44- Andy Griffith owns a home in Manteo (on North Carolina's Atlantic coast), and Toast is about 2 miles outside of Mt. airy in Surry County.

45- When pupils are widened for fight/flight response, the size of the central "airy" disk decreases to a diameter of about 1.5 photoreceptors.

46- The houses are large, and the streets broad and at right angles to each other, and is one of the most airy clean towns I have seen in Germany.

47- The cooked dumplings are airy on the inside and moist on the outside.

48- No other student in the class is so brilliant as he is. airy

49- airy proposed that this standard time would be provided by the Royal Observatory.

50- This could be another connection between Mount airy and Mayberry.

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