26- Feathers become abraded over time and all birds need to replace them at intervals.

27- The only way to shape it is to abrade it with even harder substances.

28- The first cable was allowed to abrade on the laying vessel's bulwark and broke.

29- In addition, plaster is much smoother and does not snag clothing or abrade the skin.

30- The painting has lost much of its original framing, and its surface is badly abraded .

31- The painting has extensive areas of paint loss and abraded paint which required filling and retouching.

32- Glassware placed such that it is physically touching can abrade and produce a milky surface.

33- The toxin can enter the body by ingestion, injection, inhalation and through abraded skin.

34- Fine-grained ash can infiltrate openings in cars and abrade most surfaces, especially between moving parts.

35- The rate at which the teeth migrate forward depends on how quickly the anterior teeth abrade .

36- Physical alteration occurs when the turbulent surf and sand environment abrades the surface of the glass.

37- Mechanical methods include dusting, picking and cutting, and abrading .

38- Abrading is the process in which surface deposits are removed using abrasives.

39- Abrading the strong smooth surface of glass greatly reduces its strength in various ways.

40- The dark colour can be removed, or partially removed, by abrading or etching.

41- My skin was abraded and very tender.

42- Her instants of selfless love, so focused upon me, are balm for my abraded ego.

43- As last working procedure of abrade treatment, use holystone needs to have taller property.

44- The only way to shape it is to abrade it with even harder substances.

45- Can abrade leave scar? Very horrible.

46- Cluth's abrading is already an old topic, but in the praxis how cut to abrade, but is what everyone at pay attention to, today we to talk about once.abrade the limb.

47- Face by abrade hind, good blacken of Gong Heigong how to do?

48- A slightly larger percentage of pairs of brooches were more abraded on the top right than the top left corner.

49- Herpes simplex virus ( HSV ) gains entry through abraded skin or mucosal tissue.

50- The place is apparently being slowly abraded by a fine,() stinging dust blown across Patagonia by the unceasing gales.

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