1- In children cerebral abscesses are usually linked to congenital heart disease.

2- The abscess exit had grown down considerably in 6 weeks.

3- The usual surgical finding is diffuse cellulitis without localized abscess formation.

4- Within a week the abscess was completely healed.

5- Deep abscesses opened with a preliminary test puncture.

6- Neck abscesses are sometimes called cervical abscesses or deep neck infections.

7- Neck abscesses are sometimes called cervical abscesses or deep neck infections.

8- No abscess was found in the operation.

9- These are very effective to soften tumors, abscesses and ulcers.

10- The treatment of an abscess is surgical drainage under most circumstances.

11- abscesses are usually localized and seldom spread to other tissues.

12- It is best used for an abscess early on.

13- HS is more than a series of recurring abscesses .

14- If abscess drainage has been achieved, antibiotics are not usually necessary.

15- Walking and soaking to move the abscess along.

16- This infection can lead to abscesses and ulcers .

17- This author does not believe that abscess culturing provides useful information.

18- Brain abscess is a rare, life-threatening condition.

19- In many cases, such treated abscesses will heal without sequelae.

20- All this helped clean out the abscessing .

21- In general abscesses don't scare me.

22- This is a protozoal infection causing brain abscesses .

23- A perianal abscess can generally be drained under local anesthesia.

24- It's not necessary to treat abscesses once they are draining.

25- Ensuring adequate drainage from the site helps prevent abscess formation.

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