26- The crowd was growing excited as they waited for the celebrities to arrive for the awards ceremony.
27- She waited for him with patience.
28- I waited for her for a long time.
29- I waited for a bus to come.
30- I waited for the answer but nobody answered.
31- They waited for him for hours.
32- The child squirmed uneasily in her seat as she waited for the doctor.
33- The little boy was nervously chewing the sleeve of his shirt as he waited for the test to begin.
34- She waited for you for two hours.
35- The plane idled on the runway while they waited for permission to take off.
36- We waited for you all day long.
37- He waited for the elevator to come down.
38- We held our breath and waited for the result of the experiment.
39- In the spring, when the days grew longer and the sun warmer, she waited for the first robin to return from the south.
40- She waited for hours and hours.
41- The audience murmured with impatience as they waited for the show to begin.
42- The little boy had his eyes glued to the clock as he waited for the last day of school to end.
43- He only waited for a fraction of a second before honking his horn.
44- He waited for his son with anxiety.
45- He waited for me until I arrived.
46- People waited for buses.
47- The lecturer stood at the front of the class, and waited for everyone to be quiet.
48- I waited for him for an hour.
49- We waited for hours and hours.
50- I waited for ten minutes.
Learning Games for Fun :
Here are some games designed for not only learning but also having fun. Enjoy it now!