1- The children all giggled nervously and pushed each other as they waited for the show to begin.
2- Dominant male buffalo roam singly throughout their herd, searching for mating opportunities, and challenging each other.
3- We alternated with each other in driving the car.
4- Put the two sticks across each other.
5- We got to know each other in London.
6- Do they love each other?
7- Following the Gulf War, observers say that it was difficult to restore law and order in Kuwait because so many Kuwaitis had become suspicious of each other.
8- suspendWe have an adorable picture of my children hugging each other.
9- They have something in common with each other.
10- EldadThey walk arm in arm with each other.
11- I read somewhere that if copies of all the manuals used for launching the first space shuttle were piled on top of each other, they would reach almost twice as high as Chicago's Sears Tower.
12- We used to visit each other on weekends.
13- There is a Chinese proverb which observes that spouses that love each other say a thousand things without speaking.
14- They gave mutual help to each other.
15- We met each other again completely by accident.
16- City firms vied with each other to hire the brightest young staff.
17- Genius and madness are but a hairbreadth away from each other.
18- Bourke Cockran once suggested that underlying the whole scheme of civilization is the confidence men have in each other, confidence in their integrity, confidence in their honesty, confidence in their future.
19- What's different from Japan is that the doctors of Singapore generally all know each other.
20- He sometimes makes me feel se when we meet each other face to face.
21- We see each other at the supermarket now and then.
22- HellerickI don't know what went on last night, but they're not speaking to each other this morning.
23- We haven't seen each other for such a long time.
24- We should be kind to each other.
25- He and I have a neartelepathic understanding of each other.
Learning Games for Fun :
Here are some games designed for not only learning but also having fun. Enjoy it now!