1- They have a lot in common.
2- The Japanese have a lot in common with the Chinese.
3- @WhatchaTalkingBoutWillis Common Core and Lead paint exposure have a lot in common.
4- I've been reading about and studying serial killers and other killers for years and they have a lot in common.
5- Sometimes we also have a lot in common with our loved ones.
6- I look for roles that speak to me, whether I have a lot in common with the character or not.
7- Despite the bad blood between them, Reiper believes the teams actually have a lot in common.
8- Permalink Flag Er Rens 7 minutes ago Ukres and Americans have a lot in common: both are parasite nations living as leeches at the expense of others.
9- They have a lot in common.
10- The Japanese have a lot in common with the Chinese.
11- Concerning attitude toward audience, the two have a lot in common.
12- I have a lot in common with my sister.
13- The two cultures have a lot in common.
14- I have a lot in common with my sister.
15- It turns out the Kaper belt, which is also called KBO, have a lot in common with pluto.
16- The pair have a lot in common - both are young, Dutch and outrageously talented.
17- I have a lot in common with my sister.
18- I have a lot in common with my sister.
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