1- Something to be admired from afar but a trial to be endured by others.

2- To appreciate Lynch from afar is to appreciate how powerful his runs look.

3- 636477 Some people are able to watch from afar, and were not affected directly.

4- Keown: "It looks from afar that their transfer strategy is not very scientific.

5- Terrorists are using a two-part strategy: Connect from afar, then plot in private.

6- That buoy is connected to the internet, allowing the robot to be controlled from afar.

7- For decades, the single-engine aircraft has been suspended from the ceiling and seen from afar.

8- 306016 How bad has it become if you have to ask people from afar to come and run your own town?

9- This is hardly a shock: demographics, like ocean liners, move slowly and can be spotted from afar.

10- "But while Jammeh may be a figure of fun from afar, at home his brutal rule is no laughing matter.

11- I too am an admirer , from afar.

12- from afar the class enemy is finally clearly visible.

13- He currently protects the tribe from afar .

14- Somebody has spotted us coming from afar .

15- The requests from afar represent locations from almost everywhere .

16- Of course this makes sense from afar .

17- from afar , his class enemies became clearly visible.

18- Strange, 15 meter columns puzzle visitors from afar .

19- But many a danger seen from afar vanishes when confronted.

20- I had for many months loved her from afar .

21- I too am an admirer, from afar .

22- June later recalled admiring him from afar during these tours.

23- A young lad can be seen from afar .

24- There was just watching and admiring from afar .

25- The forehead of every work begun must shine from afar .

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