1- Then there's obviously the cinematic filmmaking, the aesthetics of it.

2- Like the tightly controlled aesthetics of Jobs, himself, the movie is a closed system.

3- Further more, he said, the "glitzy and garish" design "tramples on Japanese aesthetics."

4- The discussion is lively, and also touches on the up-and-coming field of Lego aesthetics.

5- It's a factory, but we care about aesthetics," Musk said during a press conference in Nevada.

6- But compared to the aesthetics of the PC gaming past, these new creations are positively subtle.

7- It does impact the aesthetics of an area but there's also a safety element involved, Black said.

8- So in that sense there's a kind of conflict that's interesting yet they are both about aesthetics.

9- This involves balancing data with intuition, emergence with structure, and aesthetics with experience.

10- Different historic instruments reflect various sound aesthetics .

11- Where are aesthetics within social foundations of education today?

12- Good design adds elegance and aesthetics without taking away anything.

13- Poor public perception of renewable energy system aesthetics .

14- They were particularly interested in questions concerning aesthetics .

15- Not much importance is placed on aesthetics .

16- Another argument against animal cruelty is based on aesthetics .

17- A great battle between business and aesthetics .

18- Experimental aesthetics is strongly oriented towards the natural sciences.

19- This is simply vulgar and poor aesthetics .

20- Never was urban aesthetics sold so cheap.

21- Those desiring optimum aesthetics may choose the higher rates.

22- In aesthetics , various geometric forms meet.

23- The game's aesthetics were strongly praised.

24- I began to explore the intellectual arena called aesthetics .

25- Maoist aesthetics are a tyranny of straight lines.

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