1- Writers are different, however, at least self-styled aesthetes such as myself.

2- A fundamental characteristic of the aesthete is "immediacy".

3- Is he an aesthete of the subject?

4- Hell for the aesthete , heaven for the sports fan.

5- Some benefactors enter , one an aesthete with two Afghan hounds.

6- Or perhaps he'd simply lost interest in the diversions of aesthetes .

7- Not a conservative nor an aesthete .

8- The result is working-class art-rock for disaffected aesthetes .

9- And it 's full-on pornography for the aesthetes out there.

10- The aesthete and much quoted William Beckford first comes out to Portugal.

11- Talking to Helena, she says, "You people were the aesthetes .

12- For he is the aesthete , as I had Yeats speak of him.

13- Don't we have in him a formalist, in fact an aesthete ?

14- It seems odd, but for the fact that everyone in town is an aesthete .

15- In the thousands of thin canals that cross these plates there are aesthetes that are photosensitive.

16- Cumming alluded to a return to Cabaret in a recent interview with The aesthete .

17- You will find some serious aesthetes in the city, though they're probably wearing sweatpants.

18- They are paradises for aesthetes .

19- Perish that one might be polite or circumspect - such is the mark of the aesthete .

20- YVES SAINT LAURENT The talking-head tie for the left-of-centre aesthete .

21- As an aesthete and a humanitarian he was affronted by the brutal ugliness of the slums.

22- Some elements disdained the aesthetes , but their languishing attitudes and showy costumes became a recognised pose.

23- Many aesthetes have insisted that the essence of drawing lies in the relationship between compound curves and straights.

24- One of the most fascinating aspects of art is its co-existence amongst the aesthetes and the philistines.

25- He often appears in literature and other creative media as the epitome of a young, amoral aesthete .

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