51- The pilot had to swerve the airplane to avoid a flock of geese.

52- Seen from an airplane, the island looks like a big spider.

53- mamatPassengers can take a certain amount of baggage on the airplane.

54- The speed of an airplane is much greater than that of a helicopter.

55- If this airplane were to be hijacked, what in the world would you do?

56- It takes a lot of guts to jump out of an airplane for the first time.

57- Our conversation was drowned out by the sound of an airplane overhead.

58- Going to Vancouver from Victoria is a short 40-minute hop by airplane.

59- You can make up for lost time by taking an airplane instead of a train.

60- After five hours on the airplane Shirley was desperate for a cigarette.

61- The accident was caused by a defect in the landing gear of the airplane.

62- The airplane and the tank are highly mobile and efficient weapons of war.

63- According to newspaper reports, there was an airplane accident last evening.

64- Seen from an airplane, the Philippines is a series of beautiful green islands.

65- My mother always panics when the airplane starts its preparations for take-off.

66- The airplane experienced engine trouble during its descent into Narita Airport.

67- We have a seat available on the airplane because of a last-minute cancellation.

68- Jumping out of an airplane was perhaps the most exciting adventure of his life.

69- The desire to fly in the sky like a bird inspired the invention of the airplane.

70- Seeing these islands from the airplane, we thought that they were really beautiful.

71- Now here's our reporter with the latest update on the airplane crash in Los Angeles.

72- The children plugged their ears with their fingers while the airplane was taking off.

73- A passenger had to take over the controls of the airplane after both pilots fell ill.

74- The first airplane landed at the geographic location of the North Pole in May of 1952.

75- I switched places on the airplane with a little boy who wanted to sit next to the window.

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