26- In late October, 700 troops from the 101st airborne Division are scheduled to deploy to Liberia.
27- Indeed, planes fly at a higher altitude, but that's not a deal breaker if the goal is to get airborne."
28- It's not an airborne disease, like Tuberculosis.
29- It's small, cheap and doesn't talk, and it's becoming an airborne headache for prison wardens across the country.
30- Looking back on his campaigns during a 1998 interview, Askew compared it to his days with the 82nd airborne.
31- Members of the Army's 101st airborne Division conduct a training exercise at Ft.
32- Military surveillance planes are currently airborne to help police operations.
33- Mr. Louis Stuhl 5pts If you think it's airborne, then, yes, you are stupid.
34- No technical reason for ban Cellphone use has been banned on airborne aircraft since 1991.
35- On Friday, the car of Rubens Barrichello went airborne, crashed against the barriers and flipped.
36- Once airborne, the child was reportedly towed by a truck for about 100 feet.
37- Rudd's car became airborne, and he suffered a concussion.
38- Soldiers assigned to these units are airborne qualified.
39- Some 2,395 aircraft and 867 gliders delivered the airborne assault.
40- SSg Renato A Calumpit of the Special Forces Regiment (airborne) shall receive the Bronze Cross Medal.
41- Submarines and airborne drones are also foreseen.
42- The car then traveled over a culvert, became airborne and landed on its top, partially blocking the southbound lane.
43- The disease is not airborne and only spread through close bodily contact or contaminated surfaces.
44- The new study did not measure airborne pesticide levels, however.
45- The pollen is transported by insects and is not airborne.
46- The president also reiterated that Ebola is not airborne.
47- The statement says some of the anthrax may have become airborne the previous week.
48- The virus is transmitted through an infected person's bodily fluids and is not airborne.
49- They say that Ebola is not airborne and cannot be picked up like a cold or the flu.
50- This is determined by the CDC yet they are saying it is not airborne.
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