51- The air powered systems can operate underwater to a depth of approximately 20m and are relatively simple for divers to use.

52- Wilson became a leading theorist who embraced the doctrine that strategic bombing was the most important aspect of air power.

53- Genda was one of the world's first naval officers to realize the potential of massing aircraft carriers to project air power.

54- Foolishly relying on air power alone, he denied his generals the ground offensive they wanted, only to reverse himself later."

55- The development of air power led to further tactical changes, including the emergence of aircraft carriers and naval air fleets.

56- Operation Rah-e-Haq II was launched in July 2008. This time the military operation relied on both air power as well as artillery.

57- The leading theorist of air power was Italian general Giulio Douhet who believed that future wars would be won or lost in the air.

58- However, as the tide turned and Allied air power grew in the autumn of 1942, the Ju 87 became very vulnerable, and losses were heavy.

59- Frank M. Andrews was a pioneer exponent of air power and was destined to become a very high ranking figure in the history of the Second World War.

60- "We have a responsibility to be very precise in the use of air power.

61- air power would thereby reduce his willingness and capacity to fight.

62- Naval air power also attacked transportation choke points.

63- 457010 Fairbairn, Australian Capital Territory : air power Studies Centre. 11.3244

64- As air power became a factor, armored cars offered a mobile platform for anti-aircraft guns.

65- On 21 December, while steaming from Leyte to Mindoro, she encountered enemy air power once again.

66- Phát was supposed to seize the Biên Ḥa Air Base to prevent K? from mobilising air power against them.

67- Using air power, the Libyan army checked the opposition advance westwards, towards Bin Jawad in early March.

68- Strategic air power had all but won the Second World War.

69- Sherry, Michael . The Rise of American air power: The Creation of Armageddon . 1987.

70- The 2006 Israeli assault on Hezbollah in southern Lebanon and the 2009 attack on Hamas in the Gaza Strip demonstrated that rocketry couldn't be neutralized by air power alone.

71- Sherry, Michael . The Rise of American air power: The Creation of Armageddon . 1987.

72- The 2006 Israeli assault on Hezbollah in southern Lebanon and the 2009 attack on Hamas in the Gaza Strip demonstrated that rocketry couldn't be neutralized by air power alone.

73- I hope they've got the sense to bring air powered cutters.

74- Robert sat nearby doing a term paper on the history of air power.

75- For each example of a conflict apparently made easier by air power, there is a counter-example of a war which air power has only served to complicate and intensify.

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