26- The early war years had exposed the weakness of the inter-war designs in this respect and there had been serious losses to air attack.

27- But now that they were part of the air attack fleet, they all had these brand-new lives doing different & challenging things.

28- Sigourney rescued 34 but as the two destroyers were illuminated by the burning transport, they were under constant air attack.

29- Following an accidental air attack from friendly forces, the Marines advance through the desert, facing no enemies on the ground.

30- While operating on radar picket duty on the 15th, the ship came under enemy air attack, but downed one plane and emerged unscathed.

31- Doherty p125 Nevertheless the regiment embarked on 16 April for Naples, coming under air attack as they entered the harbour two days later.

32- On the 7th, while escorting Tappahannock in the Solomons area, Woodworth came under enemy air attack by six planes north of Rua Sura Island.

33- The force sank a ca�que separated from the main flotilla at 8:30 am, thus saving it from an air attack that struck the cruiser HMS Naiad at this time.

34- 420448 The bunkers provided cover from inevitable US artillery and air attack, and the fighting positions allowed crossfire against infantry assaults.

35- The Building was destroyed in an air attack in 1944 and never rebuilt.

36- On 25 May, the Japanese launched a large air attack against Allied shipping in Nakagusuku Wan.

37- They prematurely parachute into German territory while under heavy fire from a German air attack.

38- The French arrive Two battalions of French Alpine troops landed on 19 April under heavy air attack.

39- Kudo was killed in action while participating in an air attack on Broome, Australia on 3 March 1942.

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