76- Georg Ritter von Schönerer's political party agitated against the "multi-national" Habsburgs and advocated for Deutschösterreich joining Imperial Germany.

77- Everyone quickly becomes agitated, scanning the car to pinpoint the source of the maddening noise, but even when the source is found..

78- Followed to his hotel by the press pack, a visibly agitated Ko challenged one reporter to a fight before retreating inside an elevator.

79- Cox said cougars can become agitated when they get hit with a tranquilizer dart, adding the cat could have run into a more populated area.

80- It says he became agitated on the plane, spitting water on the crew and saying he'd kill them, then saying he was "going to set off a bomb."

81- No. But becoming agitated will most likely accomplish one thing: Make you feel temporarily relieved at the expense of undermining your reputation.

82- When the passengers asked the driver why he was taking that route, he became agitated, stopping twice to try to force them out of the car, Stern said.

83- The girl got severely agitated as he drove off.

84- Wild fish only exhibit strong colors when agitated.

85- agitated, Barbossa doesn't seem entirely surprised.

86- Mr Thomson was burnt alive by the agitated arsonists.

87- To you first I address a subject that must be agitated.

88- Billy Score, in a agitated state, kills his brother Victor.

89- There are two main types: Gravity feed, and agitated Feeders.

90- Umbreon can spray a poisonous sweat whenever it gets agitated.

91- The workpiece is often agitated to aid the flow of the solder.

92- As the installments progress, the tone gets more and more agitated.

93- It is similar to the eight, but more agitated, and doesn't have the same hypnotic flow.

94- The interscale colours become visible only when the snake puffs itself up when agitated.

95- He got very agitated, picked up my form, tore it in pieces, and threw it in the waste basket.

96- The court assembles to watch the play; Hamlet provides an agitated running commentary throughout.

97- While the bourgeoisie agitated for "proper participation", the workers themselves had other concerns.

98- Stu becomes agitated and finally hangs up on his wife and yells at the prostitutes to leave him alone.

99- The event was witnessed by almost forty-five agitated citizens along with military Air Defense System personnel.

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