26- The child will become restless and agitated .

27- She also just had issues becoming increasingly agitated .

28- They suffer from agitated sleep with vivid dreams.

29- She says that observations are crucial to interpret agitated behaviour.

30- He is agitated and gray of face.

31- He was becoming agitated and his voice was getting louder.

32- I grew more and more agitated under the surface.

33- Static and agitated cultures are conventional ways to produce bacterial cellulose.

34- The girl got severely agitated as he drove off.

35- Wild fish exhibit strong colors only when agitated .

36- She has a weird temper and is easily agitated .

37- The way he spoke was very agitated .

38- She had never seen him so agitated .

39- The farmers agitated and the project was dropped .

40- Fans are understandably agitated by these comments.

41- This leads to highly agitated motions and correspondingly high temperatures.

42- The ducks became agitated ; invisible things were impacting around them.

43- He was agitated , frightened and restless.

44- Dysphoric mania is primarily manic and agitated depression is primarily depressed.

45- Her father raked agitated fingers through his grey hair.

46- Not getting lodging, he is not agitated .

47- Not getting cloth, he is not agitated .

48- He stirred slightly in his chair, agitated .

49- He was easily agitated , his mind a washing machine.

50- Listen for the sound of birds becoming agitated .

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