51- He often talked back and agitated the fighting.

52- She was agitated ; there were a few tears.

53- Potts agitated for a more focused and aggressive role.

54- Countries agitated for reparations that Japan was too poor to pay.

55- The tubes were then agitated for two to four hours.

56- A small Nazi movement openly agitated for incorporation into Germany.

57- Coal miners increasingly agitated for improved wages and working conditions after 1900.

58- Black people who agitated for civil rights in the 1960s were citizens.

59- After the war they agitated for it to be opened to settlement.

60- Local councils agitated for the opportunity to run their own Wood Badge courses.

61- Yet in contrast to events nine years later no one agitated for his removal.

62- Progressive party branches agitated for the overthrow of Yuan and more provinces declared their independence.

63- The WCTU also agitated against tobacco.

64- The Students of the Sanskrit educations agitated against the policy of contemporary government.

65- The Edmund Burke Society was a right-wing anti-communist group that agitated against prominent left-wing movements.

66- This letter is addressed to those who agitated against Brendan Eichs promotion to Mozillas CEO.

67- The Germans and Magyars (Hungarians) of Czechoslovakia openly agitated against the territorial settlements.

68- During World War I, Nour agitated against any military alliance between Romania and Russia.

69- He agitated against the rule of the Maharaja Hari Singh and urged self-rule for Kashmir.

70- But even in Davenport, meetings and newspaper petitions of white residents agitated against continued African-American migration to Davenport.

71- Likewise, the Church Fathers - according to Deschner - agitated against "heretics" and "misbelievers".

72- A non-Bahá'í brother agitated against this funeral and became so threatening that he was detained by the police.

73- She has agitated against the implementation of the Arizona statute SB1070 against illegal immigration, saying that it goes against civil rights.

74- He organised and agitated against the Gaddafi regime from a tiny office in a converted bedroom in his house in south London .

75- Sharp also advocated parliamentary reform and the legislative independence of Ireland, and agitated against the impressment of sailors for the Navy.

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