51- An aftershock of 6.2 was recorded 20 minutes after the initial quake.

52- These disappointing figures are not simply an aftershock of the recent recession.

53- On 5 March, two aftershocks above M6.0 were reported.

54- This was a dispiriting job as subsequent aftershocks produced more liquefaction.

55- aftershocks sent dishes clattering to the floor.

56- Numerous aftershocks occurred after the main tremor.

57- The home field for the aftershock is Independence Stadium.

58- In the epicentral area, a large number of aftershocks happened.

59- Hundreds of aftershocks have shaken the island and seismologists have been cautious as to whether another large earthquake could strike.

60- The aftershock was centered 12 miles (19 kilometers) south of Iquique at a depth of 25 miles (40 kilometers), the U.S Geological Survey said.

61- While numerous aftershocks have been reported in Chile since then, the Panama quake is considered a separate event, not an aftershock, the USGS said.

62- Another tremor of magnitude 5.7 struck five minutes later, five kilometres deep, followed by a series of aftershocks of up to 4.2 magnitude, it said.

63- The aftershocks removed the land-bridge as S.W.A.T. helicopters arrived.

64- The Andaman region is still experiencing aftershocks of varying intensities.

65- But before he can do anything, a deadly aftershock kills millions of refugees fleeing the city.

66- While not technically aftershocks, these earthquakes are related, becoming part of a regional earthquake sequence.

67- Willow checks in with Buffy and informs her of the aftershock party that is taking place in one of the dorm buildings that lost power.

68- The Tangshan Earthquake registered about 8 on the Richter scale ; an aftershock registering 7.

69- In this paper, a primary study was made on strong shocks with conjugate rupture by research for earthquake faults, deformation belts, foreshock and aftershock distributions in Chinese continent.

70- They were working frantically in the fear that an aftershock would jolt the house again.

71- A 4.9 magnitude aftershock. Can be felt in Rome 100 kilometers away, sent rescue personnel scrambling.

72- I felt my heart pulsate with the aftershock.

73- Is the Pan Zhi Hua City earthquake able to an aftershock tonight?

74- They were working frantically in the fear that an aftershock would jolt the house again.

75- Every new aftershock terrifies the thousands living in the many tent cities set up by Italy's civil protection department.

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