1- The crew members on the aft deck are dwarfed by the size of the iceberg.

2- Clinton's campaign released a statement saying she was honored to receive the aft's endorsement.

3- Two aft ventral fins increase aircraft stability.

4- The theatrical trailer occupies the aft end.

5- Painted the aft pin cross fuselage tube.

6- In ten minutes afterward a terrific explosion took place aft .

7- The fourth bomb hit the port side aft .

8- Her drafts were 8 ft forward and 10 ft aft .

9- The fourth destroyed the aft port stack.

10- The aft torpedo director tower was the backup gunnery control position.

11- The room was near the aft auxiliary boiler.

12- Water was flowing further aft into boiler room five.

13- The fuselage broke off aft of the main cabin door.

14- The same is true of the aft cyclic stick movement.

15- Even the aft turret guns were still in place.

16- They were both last seen trying to release a raft aft .

17- All passengers in the aft economy section survived.

18- Each fin has a controlling rudder in aft .

19- The superstructure is forward with an aft working deck.

20- In addition the aft pair of torpedo tubes were removed.

21- She fired stern torpedoes at another transport and tanker aft .

22- Each engine room was aft of its associated fire room.

23- These were located forward and aft on decks three through six.

24- The aft lock of the hold was open.

25- An aft mixer may be used to improve combustion efficiency.

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