1- It leaves a bad aftertaste.

2- The quarrel left an unpleasant aftertaste.

3- This combination produces coffee that is smooth, but bears a slightly smoky, sweet aftertaste.

4- A guilty aftertaste beats an empty stomach.

5- This tea has a very sweet aftertaste .

6- aftertastes arise after food has been swallowed.

7- An action is not known fully until its aftertaste is tasted.

8- The aftertaste is smooth and lingering, tending towards banana.

9- It was overly acidic and had a nasty aftertaste .

10- Natural vanilla flavor tastes good with minimal aftertaste .

11- The icing tastes like sugar with a chocolate liquor aftertaste .

12- The aftertaste is what stays with me longest.

13- The castle became the aftertaste of an era.

14- The sauce is sweet with a nice curry aftertaste to it.

15- Most of them taste artificial and leave behind an unpleasant aftertaste .

16- aftertaste The impression the wine leaves after it is swallowed.

17- A slight bitterness in wine can give an appealing aftertaste .

18- It gives the aftertaste that little 'extra something'.

19- Fine wines have a lingering aftertaste , or finish.

20- These examples can too often leave a cloying aftertaste .

21- An aftertaste can differ from the food it follows.

22- But don't expect much of an aftertaste .

23- It was thick, like syrup, and had an aftertaste .

24- It was crunchy and had the perfect aftertaste to it.

25- The wines of Languedoc-Roussillon have a very rich aftertaste .

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