26- An aftershave bottle spilled its contents and Scott inhaled the aroma momentarily before stepping back.

27- I leave things like aftershave to my sons, who tend to drink it.

28- One example is a line of aftershave and fragrances called David Beckham Instinct.

29- Some people shave without lotion but use an aftershave lotion to smell bettter.

30- Murdoch leaned in, close enough for his aftershave to waft over Harlequin.

31- He stood very close to Juliet, and she could smell his musky aftershave .

32- Like dabbing a bit of that aftershave the aunt got them 10 Christmases ago .

33- It was a bit unnerving at first and the lining stank of old aftershave .

34- But lately he'd been concealing this whiff with his favourite aftershave , Rampage.

35- More than 70 per cent regularly use aftershave , compared to 61 per cent of Londoners.

36- Dean had no coffee, no food, wore no deodorant or aftershave or cologne.

37- That's the aftershave then .

38- I 've even gone as far as tracking down a aftershave that has coconut to it.

39- His body was hard and warm; the faint citrus tang of his aftershave filled her nostrils.

40- aftershave is one of the worst things you can use if you've just shaved.

41- By the time he was ready to do something about his alcoholism, he had lost all his dignity, and was drinking cooking wine and aftershave.

42- When he returned he noticed items including computer tablets, laptops and aftershave were missing.

43- All right, I know that one of us will get the inevitable bottle of aftershave, or talcum powder.

44- He smelled of aftershave and talcum powder.

45- This magazine is full of glossy advertisements for aftershave.

46- On the rail there are a powder mouthwash , and electric shaver and aftershave lotion.

47- But lately he'd been concealing this whiff with his favourite aftershave, Rampage.

48- I wear a tang of aftershave and a clean shirt.

49- On the rail there are a powder box , mouthwash , and electric shaver and aftershave lotion.30. Desert Essence Tea Tree Oil Dental Care Systems includes toothpaste available in four flavors: Fennel, GinIt was a bit unnerving at first and the lining stank of old aftershave.

50- That aftershave of yours is smelling out the whole house.

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