51- Talk of deploying the army domestically has flared up in the aftermath of the Paris attacks.

52- He claimed in the aftermath of the October 2013 shooting that he had been high on bath salts.

53- S. relations have soured in the aftermath of the ouster of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi.

54- Disaster management policies are designed to deal with the aftermath of a disaster, she says.

55- Should the AKP's majority weaken, the aftermath will be marked by his struggle to keep control.

56- 45052 And also the aftermath, it's just that people really recognized that they missed singing.

57- "My response here at this podium ends up being routine, the conversation in the aftermath of it.

58- In the aftermath, accounts suggested some survivors had acted heroically in small ways and large.

59- Everyone knows about that Fitzgerald; fewer know about the aftermath, the last decade of his life.

60- The news networks have done it a huge favour by broadcasting the aftermath minute by bloody minute.

61- The choice he made in the immediate aftermath of his victory over Mayweather still haunts him today.

62- You can see a photo of the suspect below in the Reuters report on the aftermath of the first attack.

63- And the aftermath of the scheme's collapse - given Samji's involvement - has torn their family apart.

64- In any event, the subtlety of the issue at the heart of the case will surely be lost in its aftermath.

65- Adrian Banga surveys his destroyed house in Port Vila, Vanuatu in the aftermath of Cyclone Pam Monda �

66- The wealthy Gulf state has upped security measures in the aftermath of the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings.

67- In the aftermath both sides claimed success.

68- It is aftermath rather than the novel itself.

69- The repression in the aftermath was brutal.

70- Families overcoming trauma and emotional aftermath from hurricanes using effective communication.

71- The aftermath of the game saw several lineup changes.

72- In the aftermath the wooden tower was burnt down.

73- The aftermath of the debate was swift.

74- Kang visited estate sales to photograph their aftermath .

75- A basic video show the aftermath of drunk driving .

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