51- after all I couldn't make heads or tails of her story.

52- after all, Stella was the only person who had the ham.

53- Our success, after all, is due to his earnest efforts.

54- He said he would not come in, but he came in after all.

55- after all is said and done, he was a firstrate novelist.

56- Well, after all Japan also cut itself off from the world.

57- They have decided to stick to the original plan after all.

58- It was true, after all, that money did not bring happiness.

59- I changed my mind and decided not to go on a trip after all.

60- She did not succeed, but after all that was her first attempt.

61- We had been waiting since morning, but he didn't come after all.

62- I thought he was going to fail the exam, but he passed after all.

63- Dad, this a real sword?

64- Of course, it is a duel after all.

65- The awards show wasn't very impressive after all the hype it received.

66- It's nice to have a good dose of sunshine after all the rain we've had.

67- after all, even salesmen are desperate to avoid being targeted for downsizing.

68- after all the trouble you children have caused, you each merit a good spanking.

69- I made every effort to realize the plan but after all it turned out to be in vain.

70- I was expecting it to be a bad book, but damn me if it wasn't quite good after all.

71- Your mistakes are quite forgivable.

72- after all, you're still learning the job.

73- Everybody has their own projects on, so after all you are the only suitable candidate.

74- Those guys are ruthless, covering up their tracks like that after all their wrongdoing.

75- May I have one as well?

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