26- If necessary, cabin crew can activate a special code to gain access to the cockpit.

27- (access to) firearms (is) a significant predictor of these incidents, Lankford said.

28- 73289 As a result, access to safe, affordable cancer surgical services is dismal."""

29- 69121 Arai said access to wild dolphins was important to maintain genetic diversity.

30- But this means little in practice, as residents have no access to such institutions.

31- NADA officials gave CNN exclusive access to a newly opened satellite control center.

32- And, if you don't need real-time access to your data, there's always Amazon Glacier.

33- access to essential health services is an immediate need for nearly 7 million people.

34- But it's always worth looking at these things in terms of power, and access to power.

35- Keep strenuous exercise to a minimum and give them free access to cool, indoor areas.

36- The Americans, meanwhile, want to make sure Cubans have freer access to the Internet.

37- That really is the fundamental breakthrough needed to revolutionize access to space."

38- Its linear shape extends access to a huge number of people across four neighborhoods.

39- Kislenko said it boggles his mind that front-line officers don't have access to CPIC.

40- The Bush campaign is trying to moving quickly to gain ballot access to all the states.

41- In addition to the Counseling Center, students have access to other options on campus.

42- McLeod says Ottawa has yet to commit $30 million to build road access to the mainland.

43- We can only start to correct that by getting access to the original data," Henry said.

44- All he needs to do is enter that into LastPass and he has access to all your accounts.

45- Gunness repeated UNRWA's longstanding call for humanitarian access to the Yarmuk camp.

46- There were more bodies, he said, but the Huthis had denied rescuers access to the area.

47- Aspiring female athletes in the kingdom struggle to find access to training facilities.

48- Then in June, California announced new restrictions affecting farmers' access to water.

49- Simpson said his group will continue to promote access to high-quality palliative care.

50- It's actually having an unintended harmful effect on patients' access to care, she said.

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