26- SDSoC will help DornerWorks to accelerate the design life cycle for our customers.

27- Acts like this demonstrate once again the need to accelerate the peace talks, he said.

28- Executives gave several reasons for GE's accelerated retreat from financial businesses.

29- The moment you accelerate is the moment you know if you've won the race, says Cavendish.

30- Business demand will need to reverse course and consumer buying will have to accelerate.

31- However, admissions directors concede that accelerated MBA programs are not for everyone.

32- AMD shares were being dragged down by the financial crisis that accelerated in September.

33- The term refers to whatever it is that is causing the cosmic expansion rate to accelerate.

34- The magnetic field accelerates the plasma to speeds of up to 35,000 mph, generating thrust.

35- "Martin Luther King's murder only accelerated the process of giving equal rights to blacks.

36- A default could accelerate an alarming trend: an exodus of Puerto Ricans leaving the island.

37- The firm is expected to accelerate monthly in the third quarter due to higher product prices.

38- Private consumption growth accelerated in 2015, increasing by 1 percent in the third quarter.

39- Flash storage is also key to accelerate the delivery of insights within applications, he adds.

40- Thorsen observes that the one priority of business consumers "is accelerated time to delivery.

41- Connect with 24-7 Press Release: accelerate Business Exposure with 24-7 Press Release Service.

42- Just like all web pages, accelerated Mobile Pages will load in any modern browser or app webview.

43- They have their agenda, we have ours, and we're both moving at an accelerated pace to create magic.

44- 'The accelerated rate of decline from shale-oil wells will take its toll, ' he said in an interview.

45- Still, businessmen believe Sisi needs to accelerate reforms, and they want a say in decision-making.

46- The growth of payouts has accelerated dramatically in recent years, overtaking total profits in 2014.

47- I think the accelerated reading program is pretty cool, especially being a program that's not funded.

48- As a result, real (inflation-adjusted) GDP growth accelerated to 4 percent in the second half of 2013.

49- By saving the first-stage rockets, SpaceX hopes to cut costs and promote accelerated launch schedules.

50- The process is accelerated with heat and moisture.

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