26- Others are simply unwilling or unable to commit to abstinence .

27- Long abstinence had lost us our self-control.

28- A true fast is complete abstinence from food of any kind.

29- They found medicine or herbs to terminate pregnancies or practiced abstinence .

30- Membership still requires signing a pledge of abstinence and paying dues.

31- How do we consider periods of abstinence ?

32- He made abstinence from all three conditions of church membership.

33- These adverse effects show improvement after a period of abstinence .

34- To try to prevent this they practiced periodic abstinence .

35- However, other organizations advise complete abstinence from alcohol while pregnant.

36- Sexual abstinence , or effective contraception is mandatory during this period.

37- For many years she had accustomed herself to a rigorous abstinence .

38- The heady days of abstinence lasted a couple of decades.

39- If abstinence is not possible , then moderation is key.

40- Just educating our young people regarding abstinence is not working .

41- It now says abstinence is the only way to be certain that the baby is not harmed.

42- As for the member of Alcoholics Anonymous(), there could be no compromise solution: it was either total abstinence or total relapse.

43- To observe the clinical expression of the furazolidone aversion therapy of abstinence, to study enhancing the nursing intervention on abstinence.

44- The best way to avoid pregnancy is total abstinence from sex.

45- He Is not commanding abstinence but, as a concession, allowing it under very special and limited circumstances.

46- If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.

47- The best way to avoid pregnancy was total abstinence from sex.

48- Serving large helpings,[] I ate nothing myself and my abstinence was only another proof of my moral superiority.

49- Neither abstinence from drugs nor blind adherence to unjust laws are necessarily consistent with those values.

50- abstinence, abstemiousness and a carefully controlled diet keep them in one piece.

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