1- This causes uneven water absorption and poor ventilation.

2- These fine powders possess greater capability for immediate absorption .

3- Three key nutrients involved in calcium absorption .

4- Consumption of alcoholic drinks might inhibit zinc absorption .

5- Vitamin is needed for aiding calcium absorption .

6- Balance - little and often assists absorption .

7- A large net fluid absorption was then recorded.

8- Both drugs significantly reduced fluid secretion or increased fluid absorption .

9- The second difference was in intestinal absorption .

10- Light skin provides better absorption qualities of ultraviolet radiation.

11- Weapons attain " absorption points" with each kill.

12- This may be better called three photon absorption .

13- All tattoo pigments have specific light absorption spectra.

14- Most humans prevent iron overload solely by regulating iron absorption .

15- Human bodies tightly regulate iron absorption and recycling.

16- The principal method of absorption is through oral ingestion.

17- Peak absorption generally occurs within an hour.

18- His only shown powers are kinetic absorption .

19- Astronomical spectra contain both absorption and emission spectral information.

20- The longer wheelbase contributes to effective shock absorption .

21- This selective absorption causes the greenhouse effect.

22- These are called absorption lines in light spectrum.

23- Better nutrient absorption supports better health for pets.

24- Each absorption factor opposes a particular hindrance.

25- More bonds = more vibrations = more IR absorption .

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