1- I try to be a reasonably abstemious individual.

2- In his personal life, Michelangelo was abstemious .

3- And so I was rather abstemious when I got there.

4- Ken, meanwhile, was living a more abstemious existence on stage.

5- Our left critiques power, and is abstemious about engaging with it.

6- The one that causes Lyme disease would prove to be an even bigger problem than syphilis in some ways, because people could not avoid it by abstemious behavior.

7- On the last night, a celebratory dinner was enjoyed by all and those who had been abstemious throughout the event were able to let their hair down!

8- Sergei and Masha came to my room and I opened a bottle of mineral water: we all felt we needed to be abstemious .

9- Wine and spirits were also obtainable, but were seldom taken by the Americans, who are abstemious abroad as well as at home.

10- Despite his abstemious personal habits, he was endlessly generous to his students.

11- The T'ang was usually abstemious , but tonight his mood seemed different.

12- abstemious will do us all good.

13- I'm usually quite abstemious during daylight hours if I have any driving to do.

14- Must be abstemious to sing.

15- But such people are abstemious in many other ways, e.g. they do not drink tea.

16- When you carved it up, you didn't take much - how abstemious of you!

17- The teachings of the high Spirit are abstemious , and, in regard to particulars, negative.

18- In some ways, Livesey seems to have led an abstemious , not to say ascetic life.

19- The abstemious life of these Christians, the simplicity and earnestness of their preaching and teaching, had their effect.

20- We believe it protects us from the shameful indulgence of too many books by insisting on a rigorous, abstemious diet.

21- As the Luftwaffe was reduced to abstemious use of its fighter arm, so was the German Navy regarding its U-boats.

22- He conversed with the Russian in French, and with Antonietta in German, so the party was very abstemious yet convivial.

23- His diet was abstemious.

24- Gallstones he'd had and, though an abstemious man, gout.

25- Ireland looks like an abstemious jogger that has a heart attack.

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