26- Ken, meanwhile, was living a more abstemious existence on stage.

27- But such people are abstemious in many other ways, e.g. they do not drink tea.

28- I try to be a reasonably abstemious individual.

29- Mr. Hu's abstemious habits didn't hold him back.

30- The desire of people production and consumption is everlasting , do not add abstemious be dreariness.30. Then the purpose, the ideal and the principles of the abstemious society were discussed.

31- Archibald is moved by the inappropriateness of the gift; he is known as the most abstemious man around.

32- Abstinence, abstemiousness and a carefully controlled diet keep them in one piece.

33- The pleasures of the table , never of much consequence to one naturally abstemious.

34- Hence sustainable development, circular economy and abstemious society are the important trend.

35- But this man of the cloth would not abridge sermons calling on his abstemious parishioners to also abrogate human bondage.

36- Thanks to abstemious habits, he had not grown fat and flabby.

37- Hence, the exclusive outlet is track the new type path of eco - industrialization and constructs abstemious society.

38- The desire of people production and consumption is everlasting , do not add abstemious be dreariness.

39- But such people are abstemious in many other ways, e.g. they do not drink tea.

40- In addition, the precaution with unusual leucorrhoea, answer above all abstemious sex, notice the sanitation of menses, gestation and puerperium .

41- They are abstemious and abstain from most of the modern things that other English people, who are now rarely abstentious, enjoy.

42- In addition, the precaution with unusual leucorrhoea, answer above all abstemious sex, notice the sanitation of menses, gestation and puerperium .

43- Ireland looks like an abstemious jogger that has a heart attack.

44- The vocabulary of integral space is luxuriant, rich, enchanting and do not break abstemious, faint emerge those who moving romance is passional .

45- He was a hard-working man with abstemious habits.

46- Mr. Hall was naturally an abstemious man indifferent to luxury.

47- Mr. Hu's abstemious habits didn't hold him back.

48- The abstemious Mohammedan depends on it or coffee for 'adding life to the party' or 'putting through a deal.

49- To promote the abstemious usage of natural resource, the status of Marxist ground rent theory should be regained instead of axiology of natural resource.

50- The pleasures of the table , never of much consequence to one naturally abstemious.

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