26- She was absorbed in reading the magazine.

27- The children were absorbed in their game.

28- I have been absorbed in reading a mystery.

29- He looked absorbed in reading the article.

30- He is completely absorbed in his business.

31- He is absorbed in reading detective novels.

32- He is absorbed in the study of linguistics.

33- He is absorbed in reading a detective story.

34- He is absorbed in his manga magazine.

35- WestofEdenThe boy was absorbed in playing a computer game.

36- He is absorbed in the study of the Fuzzy Theory.

37- The kids were absorbed in the splendid fireworks.

38- A man who is absorbed in his work looks animated.

39- I was absorbed in a book and didn't hear you call.

40- His nephew was absorbed in the splendid fireworks.

41- He has been absorbed in the novel all day without eating.

42- She was absorbed in listening to music when I visited her.

43- The small companies were absorbed into a big organization.

44- I am absorbed in growing herbs and your Web pages are a great help to me.

45- I have known intimately a great many persons who were absorbed in the arts.

46- My brother was so absorbed in reading that he did not notice me when I entered the room.

47- He is absorbed in playing tennis, but his brother goes in more for football and baseball.

48- Some doctors say vitamin pills are useless because most of the vitamins taken this way are simply excreted in the urine, rather than being absorbed into the blood stream.

49- Eggs are full of choline, a nutrient that helps block fat from being absorbed in the liver.

50- The distracted reader can't be absorbed in the abstract extract.

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