76- On August 4, 1919 seventeen indictments against African Americans were handed down.

77- Enslaved African Americans did not wait until the end of the war to be emancipated.

78- Research project spotlights African American Architects from University of Illinois.

79- Large numbers of African Americans left the cotton fields and headed for the cities.

80- Tracing the genealogy of African Americans and Native Americans is a difficult process.

81- This branch not only had several African American members but also many Latino members.

82- Price was therefore the first African American to sing with the Met, if not at the Met.

83- 1923) - African American poet * Mae - indie rock band *Timothy " Timbaland " Mosely (b.

84- Most whites saw little need for African American education, especially higher education.

85- African Americans from New York also served with the Union Army to defeat the Confederacy.

86- This feeling was exacerbated by police forces, which often sided against African Americans.

87- Many of Jefferson's controversial racial opinions included stereotypes of African Americans.

88- Micheaux recognized the complexity of African American life, particularly in the Deep South.

89- In the rioting, 38 people died (23 African Americans and 15 whites ), Sandburg, Carl (2005).

90- Nor could the offspring of Native American and white men if the mother was African American.

91- He defeated this strike by hiring, for the first time, African Americans to operate the mine.

92- Zick, William J. Robert Nathaniel Dett: African American composer, pianist & choral director.

93- Other African Americans objected, so the military police rounded up about 150 black soldiers.

94- They were heavily marketed to African American fortune tellers through mail-order catalogues.

95- African American spirituals were popularized in the 1890s by Orpheus McAdoo's Jubilee Singers.

96- African American defense of the state during the War of 1812 added to support for their freedom.

97- Porter, "father of African American art history", left a strong cultural and educational legacy.

98- When other African Americans were rarely mentioned, she claimed full-page articles in the press.

99- The school is mostly composed of Hispanic students, with mixed Caucasians and African Americans.

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