1- Wah Mee was an illegal betting den off a narrow alley that catered to Seattle's Chinese community.

2- You are forced to walk on either side of it, through narrow alleyways.

3- Several narrow alleys and passageways connect the Kramgasse to the parallel Rathausgasse in the north and the Münstergasse in the south.

4- The plaza would connect to Mission Street via Mary Street, a narrow alley that would be turned into the pedestrian path.

5- 144473 Callum and Mr Cooper were digging in a narrow alleyway and building up spoil on both sides when the trench started to give way.

6- James and Steuben streets, as well as Maiden Lane, are included in their entirety along with some narrow alleys within blocks.

7- When you are walking in its old villages, you will see adjoining houses that are built from mud and stone with narrow alleyways, too.

8- Here topped copper-green domes overlook narrow alleyway craft bazaars.

9- 135869 Their house is located in the very narrow alley. 17.6415

10- Nobody could believe and understand that I was emotionalized by the bricks and tiles here and nobody knew that the ever closed history reopened to me and hugged me soulfully through a narrow alley.

11- A narrow alley led up between the houses to the main street.

12- As the dusk shaded into night, we drove slowly through narrow alleys.

13- They didn't go to school today, they goofed off downtown instead.(30) The car was hidden down a narrow alley in the downtown area.

14- I followed him through a maze of narrow alleys.

15- A maze of narrow alleys leads down to the sea.

16- At last, Corbett found the narrow alleyway and pushed his horse through the crowd to the battered ale-stake above the dingy house.

17- A beggar lad showed us the house in a dank, narrow alleyway where Mistress Hopkins lived.

18- Graham and Slater walked down the narrow alley formed by the seedy, decaying stonework and the painted wood.

19- Nobody could believe and understand that I was emotionalized by the bricks and tiles here and nobody knew that the ever closed history reopened to me and hugged me soulfully through a narrow alley.

20- The car was hidden down a narrow alley in the downtown area.

21- There's a narrow alley which divides our house from the one next door.

22- The house backs onto a narrow alley.

23- A beggar lad showed us the house in a dank, narrow alleyway where Mistress Hopkins lived.

24- A narrow alley led up between the houses to the main street.

25- She followed Will along the mean cobbled streets until he paused alongside a narrow alley.

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