1- The sound effects and lighting looked very amateurish for such an expensive production.

2- The movie was very amateurish looking, with really crappy special effects.

3- The government's information policy was confused, disorganised and amateurish."

4- A forced attack against his former mentee, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, came off contrived and amateurish.

5- Application: weeding out Obama's inept and amateurish foreign policy team "Recognize when you're out of aces."

6- But the operation was amateurish and profoundly unsuccessful.

7- Some critics called the work "amateurish" and "sloppy."

8- Due to his nervousness the Abwehr were suspicious and they found the plan he carried extremely amateurish.

9- He also said that the "movie ends up looking clumsy and amateurish."

10- How could she convince the jury Pao is amateurish and amoral without coming off like a bully?

11- They were amateurish and changed the image of Japanese idols.

12- Campbell did indeed reject "Stowaway", based on the story's "general air of amateurishness, constraint, forcing".

13- All Music claims that it was non-mainstream music with deliberately cryptic" lyrics and "raw and amateurish" DIY production.

14- The movie was very amateurish looking, with really crappy special effects.

15- The sound effects and lighting looked very amateurish for such an expensive production.

16- The movie was very amateurish looking, with really crappy special effects.

17- The assassin makes a wooden horse for his son, but the other children mock it for looking amateurish.

18- Sadly, the underlying amateurishness of the organization could not stand the strain and the Guild disintegrated in 1888.

19- Even if his history is half-baked, there is nothing amateurish about Mr Severin's voyage.

20- The greater the failures became, the more obstinately his incurable amateurishness came to the fore.

21- Detectives described the burglary as 'crude and amateurish'.

22- Lip is one of the most important facial features, and plays key roles in a variety of fields such as audio-visual speech, authentication, lip synchronization, face recognition, etc.30. Free-form documents look amateurish and can be difficult for audio-visual professionals to understand.

23- All these look, to Western eyes, childish as well as amateurish.

24- Detectives described the burglary as 'crude and amateurish'.

25- Professionalism was continually invoked as the primary means of improvement, whereas amateurishness was mocked as a laughable relic.

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