1- Normally you'd call yards a great distance for an amateur.

2- She sings in an amateur choir.

3- His driving skill is very amateur.

4- My uncle is an amateur cricket player.

5- Ralph Waldo Emerson once remarked that every artist was first an amateur.

6- He is an amateur gardener, but his flowers are beautiful.

7- The basketball star lost his amateur status when it was revealed that he had been paid for playing on his college team.

8- Zack is an amateur player who performs like a true professional.

9- It can hardly be called research.

10- .

11- .

12- just an amateur's hobby, I'm ashamed to say.

13- This year too there are many regular concerts for amateur musicians being held.

14- An athlete gives up his/her amateur status once he/she starts getting paid for his/her sport.

15- The athlete's acceptance of prizes from the competitions could affect his eligibility for amateur status.

16- She gave an amateur performance on the piano.

17- Someone once joked that nothing discourages an amateur gardener like watching his family eat the entire garden at one meal.

18- He is just an amateur.

19- My brother is an amateur photographer who spends a lot of time and thought composing his pictures.

20- Small amateur choirs in the Eastern European countries are often better than professional choirs here because the people there don't have enough money or opportunities to do all the things that we can do here, so they practice all the time.

21- Dennis is an amateur actor who has recently been working in some high-profile productions.

22- Someone once joked that the best fertilizer for the amateur gardener is the chemical that kills all plant growth, leaving him lots of leisure for other things.

23- festivalThe U.

24- S.

25- Open is one of the most important golfing tournaments in the world and is open to both amateur and professional players.

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