1- It first asked their organizational affiliation.

2- It introduced the full affiliation of the Ferengi.

3- Fox affiliation would also move from KAUT to KOKH.

4- On the Genetic affiliation of the Elamite Language.

5- This left The CW as KNVA's sole network affiliation.

6- Most have some affiliation with the Baptist Denomination.

7- Sometimes bandana were worn to indicate gang affiliation.

8- WTBO would also pick up the affiliation of FOX News Radio.

9- The rest of the country has a mix of religious affiliations.

10- The modern-day Whitman College has no religious affiliation.

11- Golisano recently switched his party affiliation to the GOP.

12- ^ Party affiliation at the time of the convening of Congress.

13- Teachers Association Considers affiliation With National Group.

14- WGBA (Channel 26) took over the FOX affiliation the next morning.

15- Kvutzot kibbutzim also lacked youth-group affiliations in Europe.

16- Associated with Friends Church, but does not specify an affiliation.

17- It has grades 9-12 and has an affiliation with Seventh Day Adventist.

18- TV network affiliations were also difficult to get in many locations.

19- Origin A tribal affiliation to certain clans of the Arabian Peninsula.

20- Lords of the Empire are allied by Clan and political party affiliation.

21- NTV disaffiliated from CTV in 2002 in a dispute over affiliation terms.

22- He described himself as having no party affiliation in a 1995 interview.

23- Genetic affiliation of Japanese and methodology of linguistic comparison.

24- 6. American Scientific affiliation (ASA) Newsletter Retrieved on 9/13/2008.

25- He told the press that his attitude was "very negative" toward reaffiliation.

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