1- Many of the country's labor unions are affiliated with the left-wing political party.

2- Our university is now affiliated with a number of post-secondary institutions overseas.

3- We support this charitable organization because it is not affiliated with any religious group.

4- In 1971, Canada had 68 universities, 16 of which were affiliated with another Canadian university.

5- I don't want to be affiliated with that group in any way.

6- I totally disagree with their entire way of doing things.

7- This charity is an entirely non-profit, voluntary organization and is not affiliated with any government agency or business enterprise.

8- The baseball club is affiliated with the local American Legion posts.

9- PwC does not endorse and is not affiliated with any such third party.

10- The company has never been formally affiliated with the one DeLorean started.

11- The views expressed are not those of this company or its affiliated companies.

12- 717599 The fee is £14 for affiliated runners and £16 for non-affiliated runners.

13- It is the first time militants affiliated to the group have launched such raids.

14- 543339 Or they might not even know their church is affiliated with a larger group.

15- Members of the Communist-affiliated PAME trade union made up the bulk of the crowd.

16- S. person who is not affiliated with any foreign power, including a terrorist group.

17- Mr. Mark is affiliated and represents every major labor union in Kansas and Missouri.

18- McCarthy made it clear that the gangs affiliated with the killing would meet justice.

19- ISIS and the al Qaeda-affiliated al Nusra Front will not be participating in the talks.

20- Donald Poland is a planning consultant affiliated with CZB out of Alexandria, Virginia.

21- The protesters were mostly students affiliated with the Jamaat-e-Islami political party.

22- E Ink - a leading e-paper display supplier - is affiliated with the Yuen Foong Yu Group.

23- The views expressed are not those of this site, this station or its affiliated companies.

24- The report said it was unclear whether the men were affiliated with the Greek coast guard.

25- In January, an IS-affiliated group bombed the Corinthia Hotel in Tripoli, killing 10 people.

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