76- I truly believe in a person's ability to overcome adversity .
77- They are extremely persistent, especially in the face of adversity .
78- Note stories of adversity in a man's past.
79- I'm talking about facing adversity in your life.
80- It was only the Warriors' second game since Dec. 28. "We've gone through a lot of adversity these last two, 21/2 weeks,'' Carter said.
81- Vansant had eight kills and no errors on 12 attacks in the third set, when the Huskies faced their only serious adversity of the night.
82- And I think a game like that is what creates the tight niche that we have, the bond that we have, and it gets us through the adversity.
83- 70469 As a quarterback, I think staring down the eye of adversity and understanding that only you can surface yourself out should be fun."
84- When it comes to climate change, when it comes to food security, we are literally facing a moment of adversity perhaps even dire necessity.
85- In the book of Deuteronomy, God offers Moses and the children of Israel the choice of "life and prosperity or death and adversity (30:19)."
86- For the first time since LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh teamed up in 2010, they didn't face any serious adversity in the postseason.
87- In my work studying growth companies, I noticed that the top performers all went through a period of adversity that nearly cost the firm its life.
88- 10."David and Goliath," by Malcolm Gladwell (Little, Brown: $29) Anecdotes illustrate how underdogs and misfits gained advantage through adversity.
89- Calipari continues to reject negativity with this team and embraces the adversity, figuring losses build character for the teenagers on his roster.
90- 'The biggest thing was early adversity and just overcoming that and knowing we had to battle back and find a way to get points,' Brees told reporters.
91- Facing adversity, Lucille decides to put Buster in charge.
92- Despite the adversity, they still won the game in the fourteenth inning.
93- The RFC's motto was Per ardua ad astra ("Through adversity to the stars").
94- Not one to shy away from adversity, Nancy vowed to stand by his side and support him.
95- Resilience and development: Contributions from the study of children who overcome adversity.
96- He believes in the perseverance of the soul and its opposition to adversity for the greater goal.
97- Third Stage (1986-1988) Despite the adversity, progress continued to be made on the third Boston album.
98- However, he had this holy image to whom he would have recourse in moments of great pain, anguish, and adversity.
99- However, things take a turn for the worse and Melli finds herself facing adversity and trouble wherever she goes.
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